Commissioner Of Tribal Education Vidyasahayak Bharti Merit List 2018
Commissioner Of Tribal Education declared merit list 2016/17 bharti
I want to inform you all the candidates of Vidhyasahayak Of ashram shala bharti 2017/18 that this bharti was conducted at 2016/17 for the post of teacher in gujarat ashram shala in all over in gujarat district.
This bharti was of 402 post for maths science, languages and not for social science.
Recently in 2018 gujarat govenment declared merit list who have filled form before 1 years for this post. Which candudates are come in merit they will called at gandhinagar for district selection and after they can select the school which is named asharam shala.
Asharamshala vidyashayak bharti was conduct under tribal education
Merit list and candidate name lists are below blue link