SEB Exam PSE-SSE 2018 Primary / Secondary Education Scholarship Gujarat :
Seb (state examination board) is a institute of gujarat for taking exams for students and teacher. Seb takes more than 23 exams our in gujarat. So PSE-SSE Scholarship exam is part of state examination board.
Actually every year seb takes pse and sse scholarship exam for clever and bright students. In this exam student have to pass for scholarship. Who students are ckever they can give this exam. After exam there are declaring result by seb gujarat and who have cleared this exam they can get scholarship from gujarat government. But it is neccesory to come in merit list becase there are many stdents give this exam.
Pse - sse exam scholarship exam pattern are below :
Written Exam Pattern:
Language – General Knowledge
Questions: 100
Marks: 100
Time: 90 Minutes
Maths Science
Questions: 100
Marks: 100
Time: 90 Minutes
Student can also read and download official advertisement for this exam from below link